Work Hard, Play Fair

Berea West Preparatory School was founded in 1971 as Berea West Infant School.

The school was designed by a female architect as a prototype with little children in mind.

While walking through the charming gardens one can feel the gentle heartbeat of the school.

The classrooms are designed in a hexagonal shape, with each having a front and back door to create a space with free flow – here children can feel free to learn and be inspired.

Each classroom is an individual unit with its own path to the door and its own little garden giving space to reading groups and inspiring creativity amongst our learners.



Berea West Preparatory only has limited space. Applications for 2025 are now closed .Any applications received now will be placed on Waiting List.

Apply early to avoid disappointment.

"The School on the Hill"

is a place where special Childhood memories are created and a strong educational foundation is laid...


Let each child reach their potential


Educate the child as a whole i.e. physically, intellectually, emotionally and develop a thirst for new learning experiences


Instil a respect in children for others and the world in which they live


Teach children that all opinions are valid and will receive honest consideration


Create an understanding, tolerance and respect of different cultures and tradition


Develop a strong sense of responsibility

Caring Atmosphere

Provide a caring atmosphere in which learners can thrive and develop with enthusiasm

High Standard

Maintain and promote a high standard in all aspects of education
